Friday, January 19, 2024

HIM Emperor Haile Selassie Visits Haiti - 1966


Francois Duvalier received Emperor Haile Selassie I in 1966

Here is a picture of Haitian Dictator Francois Duvalier with Emperor Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia as he briefly visited Haiti in 1966

The King of Kings met the President for Life when he traveled to Haiti in 1966, becoming the only head of state to visit Haiti during the presidency of Francois Duvalier. President Duvalier, being a proponent of the black nationalist platform, was a supporter of the Pan-African model of excellence, and welcomed the Emperor of Ethiopia, Haile Selassie I with open arms.

During his own rule, Duvalier became almost as popular as Emperor Selassie through his forceful might held by the use of fear and murder. His family became ridiculously wealthy through the country's
coffers, as Duvalier explicitly appropriated state money, much of which came from aid funds given by other countries, into his personal accounts, all this while the population was impoverished. Because of his notorious reputation, Duvalier was forced to be under heavy guard consisting of 600 officers in the palace guard, 350 soldiers in the Dessalines Barracks next door, thousands of militiamen and the fearsome Tontons Macoutes.



Ethiopian and HAITIAN HISTORY - APRIL 24, 1966


In 1966, Haiti welcomed one of the most symbolic black figures of the world. For the occasion, François Duvalier (left) had public settings redecorated in Port-au-Prince to match the national colours of Ethiopia. While Selassie was met with much euphoria in the capital, some historians maintain that François Duvalier attempted to put forward a new foreign policy agenda with such visit. Aware of his illness and of his regime’s unpopularity with foreign leaders, Duvalier was eager to accord diplomatic recognition to newly independent African states and to establish cordial ties with leaders of the continent in hopes of proving some consistency with his Noirist ideology and to demonstrate that his administration did possess some alignment beyond its professed anti-communism.

Image Courtesy of: Life Magazine.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Ethiopian Research Council - Dates and Events of Recognition for 2023


o   flowers at the African American Civil War Memorial on September 12th, 


o   September 12 left London as special representative to the United States, September 23, 1936 - Malaku Bayen arrive back in United States Washington DC 

o   September 28 addressed a gathering of two thousand at Harlem, NY rock land palace 



o   Visit to Philadelphia 1963 October 1-3 

o   visit to America October 1, 1963

o   October 28, 1966 , Berlin 

o   White House dinner attendance - 24-25 1970




o   November 4, 1955- Ethiopian constitution Revised


o   November 1930, Haile Selassie was coronated as Emperor of Ethiopia.


o   Born in Evanston, Illinois on November 20, 1906 to Joseph and Dora Hadley, Dorothy attended Foster School and Evanston Township High School. She later attended, graduated from and found employment at Howard University as secretary to the budget director.




o   First two weeks of the month *elections are held for officers for a one year term of one year 


o   December 27, 1903 signed at Addis Ababa 

o   Under emperor menelik 

Monday, June 26, 2023

NEW RELEASE - Book of Proverbs Work Study Course: Making Good Men Better: The Journey from Boy to Man, and Man to God”

Today we are releasing our newest publication,

Book of Proverbs Work Study Course: Making Good Men Better: The Journey from Boy to Man, and Man God”, total 10 pages – for daily use….

The purpose of this study course guide is to guide students, particularly boys and men, through the study of the Book of Proverbs, all 31 chapters. It is to help students think through the wise sayings, allegories, riddles, parables, and stories, and to help students apply them to their life. This course is to increase thinking, logic and reasoning abilities, to support character development and decision making.  

The Book of Proverbs is in the form of parables, stories, riddles, and wise sayings. They offer a unique perspective on making decisions, living life, and how to be successful. 


By studying the Book of Proverbs, particularly for men, there is an opportunity to get insight not only from a king, not only from a Black king or ruler, but also from the wisest man that lived and whose knowledge has continued on for thousands of years.


By reading the Book of Proverbs the reader is offered the possibility of duplicating the best results of a King. The reader will increase in knowledge wisdom and understanding, make better decisions, learn how to earn more money, have better relationships with the opposite sex as well as with people in general, and learn to be successful in living a prosperous and joyful life. 

This work study course is a compliment to my first book, Becoming a Well Made Man: Building the Temple of Self!


Download your copy HERE

Friday, June 23, 2023

List of Historic June events involving Emperor Haile Selassie I


o  Emperor Haile Selassie's message spoken at the South Park Baptist Church on June 8, 1954

o   Haile Selassie Visits South Park Baptist Church in Chicago - Jet Magazine June 24, 1954
o   Oklahoma State University will mark the 69th anniversary of Haile Selassie's visit there on June 18, 1954— then called Oklahoma A&M College
o   The Organization of Afro-American Unity (OAAU) was founded by Malcolm XJohn Henrik Clarke, and other Black nationalist leaders on June 24, 1964 in Harlem, New York.
o   Traveled to Canada 3-7 1954
o   19-25 travel to Mexico 1954 

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Ethiopian Research Council 2023: A Look at Past Scholarly Journals

Ethiopian Research Council, 1990. First Edition. 
First Volume of a scholarly journal "to help narrate and interpret the historical, philosophical and social conditions of Ethiopia."